Historical Info:
Alvis Patents
FWD front axle
Lubricators for front hubs
Needle roller UJ for FWD
Sliding pillar FWD axle
Sliding pillar wheel mounting for FWD
FWD rear suspension
FWD gear change mechanism
Variable caster front axle
Twin engines with FWD
Supercharger rotors
Alvis FWD Brochures
FWD Brochure Dec 1928 (contributed by Ken Day)
Henlys advert Oct 1928
Alvis Racing History
Alvis Successes 1921 to 1925 (an Alvis publicity booklet)
1927 Brooklands JCC 200 Miles Race Programme
1928 Le Mans
1929 Le Mans (Sammy Davis's account of the straight-8 FWD team cars)
1929 Ulster TT Race Programme