The Telegage uses the sloshing of petrol in the tank to maintain an air column within a vertical pipe in the tank, which would then be at a pressure equal to the hydrostatic pressure at the open (bottom) end of the pipe. This pressure was then indicated on the dashboard using a manometer, as seen in the images below. There are two types found on surviving FWD and it is uncertain whether both are original. The fluid for the gauge is tetra-bromo-ethane C2H2Br4, (AKA acetylene tetrabromide, or Muthmann's Liquid), which is nearly four times denser than gasoline, so the manometer does not have to be as tall as the depth of your tank. The liquid should be dyed red, the original dye being Sudan Red, an aniline dye used to colour waxes, solvents and gasoline, also used in laboratory work.
Resist the following temptations:
(1) drinking the tetra-bromo-ethane, or sniffing its vapour. See Material Safety Data Sheet here, courtesy of Mallinckrodt Baker, Inc..
(2) eating the Sudan Red - it has been banned as a food colouring as it is a carcinogen.
The manufacturer's description and servicing instructions are to be found at this link: Hobson Telegage Instructions and better quality images are found here: Telegage images
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